
作者:蓝海笑话 - 热度:664

《你不讲冷笑话吗英语》(Are You Joking Coldly in English)是一本专注于英语冷笑话的书籍,由李国宣所著。该书收录了丰富的英语冷笑话,涵盖了不同主题和类型,旨在帮助读者提升英语口语表达能力的同时增加幽默感。该书在备考英语口语和日常娱乐中都有一定的参考价值,是一本有趣且实用的英语学习读物。


Do you like to tell cold jokes? In English, we call them "dad jokes." They are usually corny and not very funny, but they can still make us laugh. Here are a few examples:- Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!- What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!- Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!These jokes may not be hilarious, but they can still bring a smile to our faces. And sometimes, telling a bad joke can be a way to break the ice or lighten the mood in a tense situation.Of course, not everyone appreciates dad jokes. Some people find them annoying or cringe-worthy. But if you're the type of person who likes to make people laugh, don't be afraid to share your favorite puns and one-liners.In fact, there are even websites and social media accounts dedicated to dad jokes. You can find endless examples online, and maybe even discover some new ones to add to your repertoire.So, do you want to hear another cold joke? Okay, here goes: Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!。



Once upon a time, there was a man who was always cracking cold jokes. He thought he was the funniest person in the world, but in reality, no one ever laughed at his jokes.One day, he decided to travel to England to try his luck there. He thought that maybe the British people would appreciate his humor more than his fellow countrymen.He arrived in London and started telling his jokes to everyone he met. However, no one seemed to find them funny. He was getting frustrated and decided to ask a British man why his jokes weren't working.The British man replied, "Well, you see, our humor is quite dry. Your jokes are too damp."The man was confused and asked, "What do you mean by 'damp'?"The British man replied, "Your jokes are too moist. They lack the crispness and subtlety that British humor is known for."The man was disappointed but decided to try again. He came up with a new joke that he thought was sure to make the British laugh.He told the joke to a group of British people, but they all just stared at him blankly. The man was about to give up when one British man finally spoke up."I'm sorry, but that joke was just too wet," he said.The man was confused and asked, "What do you mean by 'wet'?"The British man replied, "It was just too damp. It lacked the dryness and understated wit that British humor is famous for."The man finally realized that his cold jokes were never going to work in England. He decided to return home and try to come up with some new, drier jokes.From then on, he became known as the man who finally understood the difference between a damp joke and a dry one.。

冷笑话 英语
