
作者:蓝海笑话 - 热度:1007



1、新年到了,小编带来一些新年冷笑话谐音,让大家笑一笑,开开心心迎接新的一年。1. 今年过年,我不想吃饺子,因为我怕饺子皮太厚,咬不动“饺”数(较数)年。2. 我想买个鞭炮,但我怕被安检拦下,所以我决定去“想”(香)市场买。

2、3. 我们家的年夜饭,我妈做了一道烤鸡,我爸说这鸡肉真“炸”(扎)实。4. 我的新年愿望是减肥,但我还是忍不住吃了一块“糖”(腥)腥的猪肉。5. 我的小侄子问我为什么要贴春联,我说因为春联能“联”(炼)结家人的感情。

3、6. 我的朋友问我今年有没有什么愿望,我说我想买辆“劳”(路)斯莱斯,但我还是买不起。7. 我的同事问我为什么要打扫房间,我说因为打扫能“扫”(少)除厄运。8. 我的姐姐说今年她不想过年了,因为她怕会“赔”(陪)钱。9. 我的爷爷说今年他想去旅游,但他还是不知道去哪里“游”(邮)。10. 我的妹妹问我为什么要拜年,我说因为拜年能“年”(粘)住好运。以上就是小编带来的新年冷笑话谐音,希望大家笑一笑,开开心心迎接新的一年。



Two guys were walking down the street when they saw a sign that said "Free Boos". Excited about the prospect of free drinks, they rushed into the bar.To their dismay, they realized that the sign actually said "Free Blues," referring to the live music playing that night. Feeling embarrassed, they decided to stay and enjoy the show anyway.As they listened to the music, one of them turned to the other and said, "I can't believe we fell for that. We're such a pair of 'fools' (sounds like 'booze')!"The other guy couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's lame joke. "Yeah, we really 'pitchered' (sounds like 'pictured') ourselves getting drunk tonight."Despite their disappointment, they ended up having a great time at the bar that night, thanks to some unintentional wordplay. They both agreed that it was a 'sound' (sounds like 'silly') decision to give in to their curiosity.As they left the bar, they couldn't help but wonder what other punny surprises awaited them in the future. They both agreed that they would always be on the lookout for these 'word' (sounds like 'weird') play opportunities.And so, the two friends continued on their journey, armed with a newfound appreciation for the hilarity that can be found in the English language.。

